Returns & Exchange Policy
If you are unsatisfied with the Items you purchased, you can return/exchange them.
Please send us email within 3 days of receiving the Items with your order details and items you want to refund, after which we'll provide you with instructions on how to proceed with the return.
Please note the following :
- The items should not be used.
- The Items should be packed with the original packaging received.
- Once we receive the Items, we will refund the paid amount less initial shipping cost incurred by us - which is non-refundable.
- If your order qualified for free shipping, and the items that you are returning will drop the total value of your order to below the free shipping threshold, we will refund you for the cost of goods returned less the original shipping and restocking fee.
- Refund will be made to the same Card/account used to place the order.
- COD shipments are refundable as store credit only less shipping and COD charges.
- Loyalty/reward points used are none refundable.
- If you would like an exchange, the paid amount less shipping charges will be deducted from the price of the new items, or it can be added as Store Credit to your account for next order.
- Return shipping of unwanted items is none refundable.
- Returns due to color shade variation or size are not qualifying for free returns
Non returnable/refundable items
- Items from the clearance section are none refundable, none exchangeable and none returnable .
- All items under the clearance section are sold on an as-is basis
- All items discounted 50% and above.
- All items bought as part of a temporary promotion such as flash sale, happy hour, Massive sale...etc are final sales and none refundable.
- All pre-ordered items
- All custom made items (to order)
- All donation items
- Accessories
Just like you would expect to receive the items safely when you order them from us, the returned items are your responsibility until they reach us, so make sure they're packed properly and don't get damaged on the way!
As the parcel remains your responsibility until it arrives back with us, ensure that you get proof of postage in case you need to contact us about your return.
Return shipping fees of unwanted items are the customer responsibility and will not be refunded.
If you need more information or enquiry about our Return Policy, you can contact us by email:
or Whatsapp: +919886446667